AuthorŽs Introduction

MILKY WAY MYTHOLOGY > Milky Way Myths Milky Way Mythology Keys Milky Way Contours The Mythical Ship Milky Way Centre Milky Way Directions Milky Way Spiral Milky Way Lines Milky Way Stones Milky Way River Worshipping Megalithic Stones The World Tree Divine Serpent GREAT GOD AND GODDESS > Light or White Deities The Mother Goddess The Greatest God The Divine Pair Attributes of God The Divine Hero God-Man-Animal Norse Creation Myth Retold ROCK ART SYMBOLS > Rock Art Types Star Constellations North Pole Centre Grouped Cup Marks Natures Symbols GENERAL CONTENTS > Common Creation Stories Scholarly Confusions Sun Religion Native Calendar System Holistic Cosmology SPECIFIC MYTHS > Cargo Cults Flat Earth Myth PERSONAL > Spiritual Visions Contact and Links Frontpage


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Around my 33 years of age, and especially in the period from 1979 to 1986 , I got some very remarkable out of body experiences. It was a series of visions and dreams that left me both shaken and astounded for a very long time. No one had told me anything about the possibility to experience such a phenomenon. Having several visions out of the body and I didn't have any idea what to do with the dreams and visions. After a couple of years I came in contact with some people who had some meetings about dreams and the interpretation of dreams using especially the theories of Carl Gustaf Jung. But it did not catch my interest for long time, so again I was left alone with all my inspirations and nothing to do with them.

Fortunately I have noticed all my dreams and visions, because about 11 years after I began to have the experiences, I was led in the right direction after which, the dreams and visions successively began to came trough and more and more became a reality for me.

In the following IŽll describe an excerpt of my most of my significant visions.

The answer comes from the Library

One night in my sleep, i suddenly became aware of a TEXT standing before my face saying: "The answer comes from the Library". When awake, I wasnŽt aware of having pondered over or asked any specific questions, so I just noted this in my dream/vision book.

A couple of weeks later I once again as usual, visited the main local library to borrow some books and music. After having made the registrations and on my way out, I noticed a building pillar structure with and image advertizing taped on it.

As I came closer to the image, it was an advertizing for an Atlas over the Solar System and the image itself described the celestial axis poles and stars and also the contours of the Milky Way hemispheres sketched up in the Atlas.

Up to this experience, IŽve generally studied the Rock Art or Petroglyph Carvings close to where i live and other where, showing all kinds of motifs of celestial human- and animal-like beings and shapes of ships.

Suddenly I became overwhelmed by an inspiration of the Milky Way contour appearances of having a significant importance in the ancient carved images and its mythical meanings.

On my way home in a bus, I sat with the heavy feeling of being the only one human in the world to have this important galactic knowledge.

Well, i got the promised answer from the library, but it took me some time to digest the galactic implications of it all, and starting to include it in my work with deciphering the ancient mythological and cosmological Rock Art symbolism.


I "woke up" from my sleep and found myself hovering over the Baltic Sea Island of Bornholm, on which I live. Out in the horizon I saw the beginning of what I believe was the morning Sun rising. I moved down and towards the east to meet the light just in the level with the ocean and stopped, waiting for the sun to rise.


But in stead of the Sun coming up, a golden so called Rock Carving Ship came sailing majestic against me and just as it passed, me I saw that the ship was pulled by a horse and on the horse a man was steering the hole scenery. This vision was the beginning of my interest for the old cultures after first looking on my own religious heritage and it's real value compared to a more natural way of understanding the nature of creation. And after a while I began to study the interesting symbols our ancestors have made on rocks and stones.


Again I woke up in a dream and this time I had the feeling that I was very far out in the space and  close to a strong cosmic source which was very radiating and penetrating.

Suddenly a rain of floating golden arrow shapes and green droplets came down on me and inside and even trough my mind and body. It was very vibrating and filled with high electrical energy, and I had a feeling that it had a kind of cleaning effect on my mind. Intuitively I sensed that my experience some information's about the Sun and it's creative forces.


3 pictures which, in my opinion, shows the same phenomenon as mine above. Picture 1 is Egyptian, picture 2 is Aztec and picture 3 is Native American.I can imagine that the findings of golden masks, as for instant the Aztec mask and the Egypt relief above with the sunbeams coming down, very well can refer to and symbolize the kind of experience, I here refer to in my out of the body vision. The Aztecs meant that the Golden masks and jewellery was made of the Golden Tears of the Sun God


When the Gold or the golden colour are being used in ancient cultures, it is not because of its economically value, but of its spiritual value and as a quality mark for a specific spiritual and personal development to use in the society in which you live.


This vision came also to me, flying out of my body. It was very clear to me that I was looking at the biggest wheel one can imagine, namely the Galaxy Wheel you can se in the night sky as a ring seemingly going around the Earth. This wheel are well known all over the World from ancient cultures and it is pictured with both 4 and 8 spokes. Sometimes also with concentric rings or cup marks. The intuitive knowledge deals with the 4 directions in the Galaxy connected to the location of our Solar System.


Again I am out of my sleeping body out in the space. This was an experience of both sounds and colours at the same time moving thundering up and down in the space.

The colours was beautiful pastels and the sound, which changed rhythmical together with the colours, was thundering in the space. Picture 1 is my own drawings of the experience and picture 2 which very much could show the same mythical experience, is from the Canaries Island, Las Palmas.

I can very well recognize what our ancestors have felt when they had their rituals in which the tried to create a similar sound using many different kinds of instruments to imitate the sounds of Creation. Modern astrophysics have re-discovered that for instance the Sun and the Cosmic Microwave Background have its special sounds, and they surely are to re-discover many other sounds in space, just as our ancestors have done and as it is possible for everybody who are interested in travelling the "cheap" spiritual way which costs nothing and not are polluting in any way.


When I met her from the dream stage and an spontaneous out-of-body travelling, I found myself floating in the dark space and on my back, observing a light brightening up in the horizon, and when lit more up, it showed to be a naked woman coming slowly towards me.As she was coming closer, she filled the entire space over me and she stopped with her naked breasts right over my face.

After a short while of looking at this mesmerizing scenario, five colored dots appeared on her brests: White, yellow, red, brown and black - which I immediately took for colors of humans she have nursed and still nurses.


And after a while of looking at this mesmerizing scenario, five colored dots appeared on her brests: White, yellow, red, brown and black - which I immediately took for colors of humans she have nursed and still nurses.


My own drawing and an African picture.

And suddenly, two beams of milk jumped out of her breasts and floated over me. This experience was very intense, even to the degree that I could smell a moist fertile soil and feel fertility procreation in my mind and body.

These inspirations have all led to a re-discovering of the Milky Way Mythology connection in all ancient cultural Stories of Creation. A Milky Way connection, which is the very basics in all Stories of Creation.