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MILKY WAY MYTHOLOGY > Milky Way Myths Milky Way Mythology Keys Milky Way Contours The Mythical Ship Milky Way Centre Milky Way Directions Milky Way Spiral Milky Way Lines Milky Way Stones Milky Way River Worshipping Megalithic Stones The World Tree Divine Serpent GREAT GOD AND GODDESS > Light or White Deities The Mother Goddess The Greatest God The Divine Pair Attributes of God The Divine Hero God-Man-Animal Norse Creation Myth Retold ROCK ART SYMBOLS > Rock Art Types Star Constellations North Pole Centre Grouped Cup Marks Natures Symbols GENERAL CONTENTS > Common Creation Stories Scholarly Confusions Sun Religion Native Calendar System Holistic Cosmology SPECIFIC MYTHS > Cargo Cults Flat Earth Myth PERSONAL > Spiritual Visions Contact and Links Frontpage


Originally our ancestors must have had some very mixed feelings about animals. Some animals was directly life-supporting and others was directly life-threatening. But Mythological, our ancestors had no problem with mixing names and figures between man and animal. Anthropomorphic figures are well known from all original mythology and religion. And those religions who don't have anthropomorphic figures to day, have just repressed and excluded both the natural and mythological meaning.

Many of the Anthropomorphic figures represent Gods and Goddesses in the Sky. Looking at the Milky Way contours in the night Sky, you will se and notice different details, depending on your eyesight power and on the time of the year you are observing.

The Northern Milky Way contours was often carved and pictured as a man; a man with concentric symbols; a man with erection; a man with horns, and even as a winged man. Beast or Human? Angel or Devil? God or Human? The answer is Yes!

But with normal eyesight and in perfect weather and season conditions, you can see most accurately the same figure and details as on the rubbing-pictures above from Sweden, Bohuslen, on both sides of the star map picture. The Atlas-picture 4 shows in close-up, how accurately the artist of picture 3 has observed and carved the detail of what easily could be pictured as an erected penis on both pictures. Even the detailed fact that the penis is not placed in the right anatomic place, is right on both the Star atlas and on the carvings.

In pictures 1 and 3 above, You can see a contour sticking out in the back of the figure. This is interpreted by scholars as a sword-sheathe. Logically this is nonsense. Would an obvious naked man bear a sword? But anyway, the artist have carved a very detailed picture of what You can observe from the white Milky Way contours on a favourable night. In fact, this figure is the most detailed picture of the Northern Milky Way contours.

An approximately 6.000 year old stone from Horsens, Denmark and a Rock Art motif from Sweden compared to the Egyptian god Seth. All very similar - of course as they depicts the contours of the northern Milky Way.

The Set animal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_(mythology)#The_Set_animal)

In art, Set was mostly depicted as a mysterious and unknown creature, referred to by Egyptologists as the Set animal or Typhonic beast, with a curved snout, square ears, forked tail, and canine body, or sometimes as a human with only the head of the Set animal. It has no complete resemblance to any known creature, although it does resemble a composite of an aardvark, a donkey, and a jackal, all of which are desert creatures. The main species of aardvark present in ancient Egypt additionally had a reddish appearance (due to thin fur, which shows the skin beneath it). In some descriptions he has the head of a greyhound. The earliest known representation of Set comes from a tomb dating to the Naqada phase of the Predynastic Period (circa 4000 BC–3500 BC), and the Set-animal is even found on a mace-head of the Scorpion King, a Protodynastic ruler.

The simplest marking of the northern Milky Way figure and the celestial north pole.

Because of the Earth rotation, You will observe the Milky Way contours in different positions. In vertical position the contours very easily can show a human. In horizontal position, the contours can show an animal. Mythological the story telling goes on a God mowing in the Sky and change to an animal or a God diving into the Sea or down in the Underworld. The Uffington White Horse in England and other places, could very well represent the white Milky Way contours observed in the horizontal position. The same could very well be the case with the cupmark carvings on the Palaeolithic figure to the right, symbolizing the shining stars and light in the Milky Way.


The Northern Milky Way contours is often observed, pictured and carved on the rocks as a man; a man with concentric symbols; a man with erection; a man with horns; and even as a winged man. Beast or human? Angel or Devil? God or Human? The answer is Yes!

The simplest marking of the northern Milky Way figure and the celestial north pole.


The Northern Milky Way contours is often observed, pictured and carved on the rocks as a man; a man with concentric symbols; a man with erection; a man with horns; and even as a winged man. Beast or human? Angel or Devil? God or Human? The answer is Yes!

The Milky Way contours refer also to the Myth of the Serpent as known from many cultures around the World. The Horned Serpent shows even the connection with the Horned Man and with Horned Beasts in general. Also the Horned and Winged Serpent is well known in many cultures.

Originally the Beast and the Human was one and the same and the lived together both on the Earth and in the Sky. Later the ecclesiastical and secular "power-people" succeeded to change the originally universal meaning towards a "power tool" in order to manipulate their populations for the sake of small egoistic interests,


Link to White Horse Myths:


Link to Crypto Zoology:


Mythological Shapeshifting


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  (Redirected from List of shapeshifters in myth and fiction)

Shapeshifting is a common theme in mythology and folklore as well as in science fiction and fantasy. In its broadest sense, it is when a being has the ability to alter its physical appearance. The transformation may be purposeful or not depending on whether it has been the subject of a curse or spell. In some folklore, once the shapeshifter has become transformed, it becomes progressively more difficult for it to return to its original form.[citation needed]

